Open Training

Open Training is for anyone who wants to increase their body awareness. Beginners and professionals alike are welcome – and all levels can benefit from the training. It is a dynamic, powerful training across the floor, accompanied by music. It works through every part of the body effectively, strengthening your endurance, mobility, coordination, rhythmicality, and balance. Awareness of center, alignment, grounding, breathing, time, and space is enhanced.
The training is a delicate mixture of Western dance forms and MB (muscle bone or mind body: the physical training component of Butoh dancer Min Tanaka’s Body Weather approach).

The training almost works as a meditative practice for me due to the length of the training, the consistency, and the depth of exercises. By insisting on this type of training, I feel that my core practice as a dancer is maintained and fulfilled on many levels.

I have been part of the teaching team of Open Training in Copenhagen since 2018, and I have practiced the training since 2015. It is taught by a training community consisting of choreographers, dancers and performers. Based on this shared format we each give our own individual interpretation to the training.

Read more about the community and training here:

Photo: Sanghoon Lee