A 12-hour performative walk - part of Wa(l)king Copenhagen by Metropolis 2020 during the lockdown.

The 12-hour walk was based on 12 scores called ACTS#. The scores were physical actions performed in areas where I spent a lot of time in the Spring 2020. Each score comes from a scrapbook that I wrote and worked on in March, April, and May same year. The scrapbook contains of textual material, airy notes, messages, pictures, video links and articles, all of which illustrate a form of boredom, restless thoughts, hope, observations, hunger for stimulation and documentation from a special time in more or less isolation. The 12 scores consisted of a mix of movement, modes, readings, intuitive actions and possibly some singing. On the walk, I had allied myself with a blue rope, which either defined the physical space in which I performed the score, or it could be used as an object, or as a helping hand on the trip.

Thanks to: Metropolis, Dansehallerne, Sia S. Løvetofte, Anja Løvetofte, Lærke Bonnesen, Max Wallmeier and Sandra Liaklev.

Link to the scrapbook:

The 12 videos: