
My name is Marlene Bonnesen. Besides being into drawing, drinking coffee, biking, and hanging out with people that I love, I am also a dancer and performer within the contemporary dance field currently based between Oslo and Copenhagen. 

I finished my BA in dance and choreography at The Danish National School of Performing Arts in Copenhagen in 2015, and I hold an MA in Dance from The National Academy of The Arts in Oslo, 2023. 

One of my absolute favourite things as a dancer is to facilitate and embody other people’s choreographic ideas, and to give space and time for physical investigations and exhaust different states of moving. I like to experience how material can be shaped and formed from within, and how I as a dancer can feel, sense, and change different physical proposals during a process. 

In 2015 I co-founded the dance collective Danseatelier with 10 other dancers, choreographers and friends in Copenhagen which today functions as a workspace, a place to share practices, host workshops and festivals, and develop artistic ideas and concepts. Next to my engagement with this group, I freelance between various independent projects and productions. 

This webpage is meant to give an insight of some of the works that I have made either alone, in collaboration with other artists, or things that I am currently busy with or interested in.