Sanghoon Lee  

The work of choreographer Sanghoon Lee is mainly based on written and graphic scores that often have an ambiguous, paradoxical or contra intuitive notion to them. The scores invite the performers to interpret and negotiate with them along the way. 

In his work he plays with fixed frames - creating some clear outer structures and working conditions with a protocol to follow – which the performers can enter and twist, turn, and mess up. What happens within these frames is very open and can lead to existential questions concerning doubt, uncertainty, struggle, hesitation, sense making etc.. 

The work requires strong improvisational skills and asks for an independent and self-determined attitude. Due to the openness of the scores, a wide range of material and ways of executing them become possible. This includes the moving, working with objects, using the voice, and more pedestrian actions. 

I took part of his MA graduation work at the Oslo Academy of the Arts in Spring 2023 and have been working extensively with him both before and after. 

Rehearsal of ‘Something about gap’:

Link to Sanghoon Lee’s webpage:

Video credit: Sanghoon Lee