past, pastures

past, pastures is a dance piece that works with the body as a living, moving archive. It is a performance that allows already existing material to re-enter the space and the body. My attempt was to reactivate selected work - mainly from  
around the time where I discovered dance as an artistic discipline and a way of expressing myself - and try to let the 
material lean and land into new surfaces of my body.

The work re-enacts old movement material, blurs and awakes the senses by smells and gaze filters throughout the performance. It establishes a visible, unchronological timeline with articles, text material, and images from the past. I was curious to understand and recycle dances that are already stored in the body, and access them with the knowledge of today.  

The audience were asked to read, smell, listen, and observe while I was physically placing myself in memories, either through movements, objects, or sounds.

The work was developed during the residency Dance All Year Long in June, Odense 2019, and continued in Danseatelier in September 2019 in a shared residency with choreographers Snorre Jeppe Hansen and Emilia Gaisorek.

Thanks to: Taneli Törmä, Tine Damborg, Møntergaarden in Odense

Full length video: